. : SICK DUNKS : .Jsmith_dunk_021905_600 no 3's, layups, Allan Houston, buzzer beaters, etc....SICK DUNKS ONLY

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Watch Your Ankles

Sweet crossover mix created by DJ-Mark...including the obligatory AI mix at the end.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Poster Dunks of '06

So much for posting a new clip every day...I guess you can consider the layoff my annual mourning period for the nightmare/disgrace/travesty the Knicks called the '05-'06 season. Anyway...Nice mix of memorable facials from the '05-'06 season made by NYK97

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Art of War

6 minutes of nasty dunks and blocks...definitely one of the best mixes I've ever seen. Made by Expiredpineapples

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Kobe crams it on Nash

Kobe destroys little Stevie Nash in Game 2

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Latrell Sprewell Mix by Shai

Spree...The best two-handed fast break dunker of all-time.

Friday, April 21, 2006

ESPN - 3Ds of the Year 2K6

The much anticipated 3Ds(Defense/Dishes/Dunks) of the Year for 2006...produced by the great Johnny Sweet from ESPN. I love how the sound of the dunks are left in each clip...pure quality.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Odom to Miles...classic alley

That Gerald Green oop reminded me of this sick Odom to Miles combo.
'Sheed had some of the sickest alley-oop dunks when he was with the Blazers. I'll have to do some digging...